CD Replication VS Duplication

CD Replication VS Duplication

What’s the difference between CD DVD replication and duplication?

cd replication service

Basically, replication and duplication are two terms refer to how your CD or DVD is manufactured.

 CD Replication VS Duplication


The CD or DVD replication method is typically used for high volumes of 500 discs or more. It involves creating a glass master. That master is then used to press CDs and DVDs. These discs are essentially molded from scratch and created with the information already on it.

CD Replication VS Duplication 


This method is the one with which most people are familiar. CD or DVD duplication involves taking a blank, recordable disc (CD-R or DVD-R) and burning the information onto it with a laser. Most of us have done this using a CD or DVD burner on our home computers. This method is typically used for smaller runs of 100 to 300 units.

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Further Clarification it's like to compare the two methods like this: replication is like how you combine the glass master, polycarbonate base, metallic reflective layer, and lacquer coating to create replicated CDs/DVDs.

Similarly, with duplicated discs, you just have to take the pre-made CDRs/DVDRs and put them in the recording drive.

CD Replication VS Duplication

We are able to manufacture both types of discs. Both methods will give you a quality product in the end. It all depends on what you need. If you’d like to get more pricing information, feel free to request a quote at Whatsapp :